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Author(s) Organisation(s) Session
Wagner, WolfgangDepartment of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria;
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria
Large-scale Mapping of Specific LC (cont'd), Large-scale Mapping of Specific LC (cont'd)
Waldner, FrançoisUCLouvain, Belgium;
UCL-Geomatics, Belgium
1.3, 1.3, 1.3
Walli, AndreasGeoVille Information Systems GmbH2.3, 3.3
Walter, SvenUNCCD Global Mechanism, Rome, ItalyResponding to User Needs (cont'd)
Wang, JieInstitute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Beijing, China1.3
Wang, PanshiUniversity of Maryland, United States of America1.3, 1.3
Warren, CohenOregon State University, United States1.3
Wecklich, ChristopherGerman Aerospace Center, Germany1.3
Wegmüller, UrsGAMMA Remote Sensing, Switzerland2.2
WEI, Chunzhuuniversity of salzburg, Austria1.3
Weichselbaum, JuergenGeoVille Information Systems GmbH, Austria1.3, 2.3, 3.3
Weise, KathrinJena-Optronik GmbH, Germany1.3, 1.3
Weisse, Mikaela JWorld Resources InstituteResponding to User Needs (cont'd)  Presenter
Wennberg, SandraMetria AB, Sweden1.3
Wevers, JanBrockmann Consult GmbH, Germany3.2
Widhalm, BarbaraZentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Austria1.3, 1.3
Wiesmann, AndreasGAMMA Remote Sensing, Switzerland2.2
Woodcock, CurtisBoston University, United States of America2.3