Conference Agenda

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 15/Mar/2017
2.1: Global/Continental LC Products
Mtg. Room: Big Hall
Chair: Pierre Defourny, UCLouvain-Geomatics
Chair: Jun Chen, National Geomatics Center of China

Consistent 1992-2015 global land cover time series at 300 m thanks to a state-of-the-art reprocessing of multi-mission archives

Pierre Defourny1, Sophie Bontemps1, Céline Lamarche1, Carsten Brockmann2, Grit Kirches2, Martin Boettcher2, Julien Radoux1, Thomas De Maet1, Eric Vanbogaert1, Paolo Gamba3, Goran Georgievski4, Martin Herold5, Stefan Hagemann4, Andrew Hartley6, Gianni Lisini3, Natasha MacBean7, Inès Moreau1, Catherine Ottlé7, Philippe Peylin7, Maurizio Santoro8, Christiane Schmullius9, Marian Vittek1, Frédéric Achard10, Fabrizio Ramoino11, Olivier Arino11

1: UCLouvain-Geomatics (Belgium), Belgium; 2: Brockmann Consult, Germany; 3: University of Pavia, Italy; 4: Max Planck Institute, Germany; 5: Wageningen University, The Netherlands; 6: Met Office, United Kingdom; 7: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, France; 8: Gamma RS, Switzerland; 9: Jena University, Germany; 10: Joint Research Center, Italy; 11: European Space Agency, Italy

The Dynamic Global Land Cover Layer at 100m Resolution from Copernicus Global Land

Marcel Buchhorn1, Ruben Van De Kerchove1, Martin Herold2, Nandika Tsendbazar2, Jan Verbesselt2, Steffen Fritz3, Myroslava Lesiv3, Bruno Smets1

1: VITO, Belgium; 2: University of Wageningen, Wageningen, the Netherlands; 3: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria

Validation and Change detection-based Updating of GlobeLand30

Jun Chen

National Geomatics Center of China, China, People's Republic of

Mapping Africa land cover at 10 m with Sentinel-2: challenges and current achievements of the Land Cover component of the ESA Climate Change Initiative

Céline Lamarche1, Pierre Defourny1, Frédéric Achard2, Martin Boettcher3, Carsten Brockmann3, Grit Kirches3, Thomas De Maet1, Julien Radoux1, Jan Militzer3, Maurizio Santoro4, Goran Georgievski5, Stefan Hagemann5, Martin Herold6, Andrew Hartley7, Natasha MacBean8, Catherine Ottlé8, Philippe Peylin8, Inès Moreau1, Christiane Schmullius9, Marian Vittek1, Fabrizio Ramoino10, Olivier Arino10

1: UCLouvain-Geomatics (Belgium), Belgium; 2: Joint Research Center, Italy; 3: Brockmann Consult, Germany; 4: Gamma RS, Switzerland; 5: Max Planck Institute, Germany; 6: Wageningen University, The Netherlands; 7: Met Office, United Kingdom; 8: Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, France; 9: Jena University, Germany; 10: European Space Agency, Italy

Coffee Break
Mtg. Room: Big Hall
2.2: Large-scale Mapping of Specific LC
Mtg. Room: Big Hall
Chair: Matthew C. Hansen, University of Maryland
Chair: Frédéric Achard, Joint Research Centre - European Commission

Global Mapping of Human settlement with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data: Recent developments in the GHSL

Christina Corbane, Martino Pesaresi, Vasileios Syrris, Thomas Kemper, Panagiotis Politis, Pierre Soille, Aneta J. Florczyk, Filip Sabo, Dario Rodriguez, Luca Maffenini, Stefano Ferri

Joint Research Centre, Italy

Mapping urban areas globally by jointly exploiting optical and radar imagery – the GUF+ layer

Mattia Marconcini, Soner Üreyen, Thomas Esch, Annekatrin Metz, Julian Zeidler

German Aerospace Center - DLR, Germany

Envisat ASAR and Sentinel-1: a decade of observations exploited to map inland water bodies

Maurizio Santoro1, Oliver Cartus1, Urs Wegmüller1, Andreas Wiesmann1, Penelope Kourkouli1, Celine Lamarche2, Sophie Bontemps2, Pierre Defourny2, Fabrizio Ramoino3, Olivier Arino3

1: GAMMA Remote Sensing, Switzerland; 2: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium; 3: ESA/ESRIN, Italy

Global scale mapping of the when and where of inland and coastal waters over 32 years at 30m resolution.

Jean-Francois Pekel1, Andrew Cottam1, Noel Gorelick2, Alan Belward1

1: European Commission - Joint Research Centre; 2: Google Earth Outreach

Large Scale decametric Cropland Mapping from Sentinel-2 and Validation: Lessons Learned from 2016 nationwide Demonstration for different Countries

Pierre Defourny1, Sophie Bontemps1, Bellemans Nicolas1, Matton Nicolas1, Cara Cosmin2, Dedieu Gerard3, Hagolle Olivier3, Inglada Jordi3, Guzzonato Eric4, Savinaud Michael4, Udroiu Cosmin2, Grosu Alex2, Rabaute Thierry4, Nicola Laurentiu2, Koetz Benjamin5

1: UCLouvain-Geomatics, Belgium; 2: CS-Romania, Romania; 3: CESBIO, France; 4: CS-France; 5: ESA-ESRIN

Mtg. Room: Canteen
Large-scale Mapping of Specific LC (cont'd)
Mtg. Room: Big Hall

Mapping Paddy Rice in Asia - A Multi-Sensor, Time-Series Approach

Kersten Clauss1, Marco Ottinger1, Wolfgang Wagner2, Claudia Kuenzer3

1: Department of Remote Sensing, Institute of Geography and Geology, University of Wuerzburg, Germany; 2: Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Vienna University of Technology, Austria; 3: German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), Earth Observation Center (EOC), German Aerospace Center

Mapping disturbances in tropical humid forests over the past 33 years

Christelle Vancutsem, Frédéric Achard

Joint Research Centre (EU), Italy

Mapping forest disturbances in European temperate forests using Landsat time series: Issues of disturbance attribution in coupled human and natural systems

Cornelius Senf1,2, Dirk Pflugmacher1, Rupert Seidl2, Patrick Hostert1,3

1: Geography Department, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany; 2: Institute for Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Austria; 3: Integrative Research Institute on Transformation of Human-Environment Systems (IRI THESys), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Towards a global high resolution wetland inventory based on optical and radar imagery

Michael Riffler1, Christina Ludwig1, Wolfgang Wagner2, Vahid Naemi2, Christian Tottrup3, Marc Paganini4

1: GeoVille Information Systems, Innsbruck, Austria; 2: Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Vienna, Austria; 3: DHI GRAS, Hørsholm, Denmark; 4: European Space Agency, Esrin, Italy

Coffee Break
Mtg. Room: Big Hall
2.3: Classification Systems
Mtg. Room: Big Hall
Chair: John Latham, UN/FAO
Chair: Curtis Woodcock, Boston University

Assessing and modelling a functional relationship of L.C. and L.U. a possible new path forward. The LCHML (Land Characterization Metal-Language) a new proposed FAO UML schema.

Antonio DiGregorio

FAO Consultatnt

Advances in Copernicus High-Resolution Land Monitoring

Gernot Ramminger1, Juergen Weichselbaum2, Baudouin Desclée3, Regine Richter1, David Herrmann1, Markus Probeck1, Linda Moser1, Christian Schleicher2, Andreas Walli2, Christophe Sannier3

1: GAF AG; 2: GeoVille Information Systems GmbH; 3: Systèmes d’Information à Référence Spatiale (SIRS) SAS

The National Land Cover Database (NLCD): A Successful National Land Change Monitoring System

Jonathan Henry Smith

United States Geological Survey, United States of America

Global to Local Land Cover and Habitat Mapping: The Ecopotential Approach

Richard Lucas1, Palma Blonda2, Ioannis Manakos3, Anthea Mitchell1, Joan Maso4, Cristina Domingo4, Antonello Provenzale2

1: University of New South Wales, Australia; 2: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy; 3: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece; 4: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain

Assessment of Trends in Ecosystem Health and Condition

Curtis Woodcock

Boston University, United States of America

Round table discussion: Roadmap for High-resolution (10- to 30-meter) WorldCover2017
Mtg. Room: Big Hall
Chair: Stephen Briggs (ESA) Participants: John Latham (UN-FAO), Tobias Langanke (EU-EEA), Matthew Hansen (University of Maryland), Tom Loveland (USGS), Jun Chen (NGCC, China), Christian Hoffmann (EARSC)
2.4: Poster Session - Drink
Mtg. Room: Magellan
Please refer to 1.3 Poster Session for the full list of posters